
As I sit up here on the fifth floor by the window of the church where I work, I have the incredible opportunity to sit in quiet on a Wednesday evening while everyone else is busily making their way to and fro in the after work traffic. The freeways outside the window are jammed packed with cars and trucks going who knows where.

I thought that since I had named my blog “Wisdom from the Roof” that would actually come up to one of the top floors of our church to sit and ponder what I wanted to say. Although the Holy Spirit has already given me a topic and has been speaking to me nearly all day…"just go write the blog!"

I lead the special needs ministry at Houston’s First Baptist Church and have been doing so for about a year and a half. Our ministry here is called Thru the Roof, you know it represents the man in scripture who was paralyzed and had no way to get into the church to get to Jesus until his four friends pulled away the roof tiles and lowered him down. In Luke 5:19 it says

Since they could not find a way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on the mat through the roof tiles into the middle of the crowd before Jesus.

I just love that verse. Not only does it reflect the name of the ministry where I now serve (Thru the Roof) it also reflects the leadership and boldness of those friends! Not only did they tear open some roof tiles, they layed their friend on a mat, and lowered him right into the middle of the crowd before Jesus himself. They did not wait for a roofing company to come and remove the tiles, no, with their bare hands they tore it open with determination and confidence that this very day their friend would come eye to eye with the Savior.

This is why I felt the Lord convicting me to write a blog. Often times when you are the roof mover, the tile stripper, the leader, volunteer, parent or pastor, your bare hands get weary and ripped up. Even when you least expect it.

So, after serving in special needs ministry since 1995 (almost 18 years) and now having more gray hair on my head than I would like to admit, I present to you, Wisdom from the rooftop. I will share tips in ministry that I have gleaned over the years along with stories as they come to me. I will also share ideas and encouragement to you all as you serve, live and embrace people with disabilities and their families.

So no matter your role whether you be friend, family or just interested reader, it is my prayer that you will be challenged to tear a bit of roof tile away on someone’s behalf allowing them to come not only closer to Jesus our Savior, but to be lowered right down into the middle of the crowd.

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